It's the oldest cliche in the world: Husband of 16 years leaves wife for a younger woman, but the divorce is only where Glenna's story begins. While trying to put her life back together, she struggles to take care of herself and her two young boys. Her years-long battle with bipolar disorder seems to make everything that much harder.
After she meets Micah on a blind date, Glenna is thrown into a whirlwind of physical and psychological abuse coupled by her own bad mistakes. Before long, she has lost everything she holds dear. She sends the boys to live with her ex-husband to keep them safe, but she can't manage to break Micah's hold on her despite attempts to get away. At the worst time in her life, Micah encourages her to start using drugs, and soon she is unable to cope at all without something to numb the pain. This heartfelt and honest story is the battle of a lost soul, a mother with no children, a junkie struggling with mental illness. Will Glenna find the strength to fight and stop being her own worst enemy? Can she finally break away from Micah, learn to take care of herself and restore her relationship with her children? Most of all, will she learn to find some joy in her life and the will to keep going? "When I Was Lost" serves as a testament to Gienna finding power within herself when all hope has been destroyed, making it a compelling read for anyone seeking insight into the human experience of living with mental illness and drug addiction. The book not only sheds light on the internal battles of the author but also explores the ripple effects of mental health on family dynamics. "When I Was Lost: A Mother's Struggle With Bipolar Disorder" by Glenna Gill is a poignant and intimate exploration of the author's personal journey through the challenges of living with mental illness on top of a powerful drug addiction. In this candid memoir, Gill opens up about her experiences, providing readers with a raw and honest account of the impact on her life and relationships and creating a pathway for others in similar situations.