It is my sincere desire in this writing to somehow inspire action by those who read it. At this writing, our nation teeters on the edge of a knife. Elements of destruction from within, I feel, have never been so strong in America's history. We are, I fear, one step from losing the rights and freedoms provided to us by our Founding Fathers. I see the very fabric of our constitution under attack by a government where all power lies in the coercive efforts of the few or just one This situation should scare any red-blooded American and stir up a righteous anger toward it. Are we to become a nation run by despotic rulers, where the common man is just a subject or a country of nation-states similar to that of old Europe, where we are red versus blue? May God forbid
Here I will attempt to give justice to the subjects covered. My goal is not just to state facts and figures, although these are included, but to draw out and put forward the wisdom of those great men and women who founded this country and wrote its governing edicts. I have found that seldom will a person take the time and put forth the effort to investigate for themselves what really is the truth. I am not judging here, as I was guilty of the same problem. But what I have found out over the years since I took charge of my own inputs is, truth is truth and can never be untruth, no matter what the subject.
When I look at our great nation today, I wonder if what it has to offer those who immigrate to it has not diminished. Is there truly an offering of real freedoms, rights, and opportunities, or is this just smoke and mirrors, with the reality being that our nation is headed toward the problems that many are trying to get away from? America is quickly losing its grip on the constitutional framework it was built upon. Our freedoms demand that we all do our part to reestablish it.
The question remains: Will complacency prevail, or will America wake up? Choose