What To Do Before, "I DO" Synopsis
There are times when singles celebrate the excitement and carefreeness of the single lifestyle. Then, there are times when being single just plain hurts because of the desire to love and be loved. Many singles are tormented by insensitive questions, unwanted loneliness, and other frustrations.
In "What To Do Before, I DO" Hiawatha Hemphill tackles these hard issues with spiritual and practical strategies and solutions. His main objective is to provide realistic tools to help you prepare for marriage. Hiawatha anchors these principles on one fundamental truth - "there is no MAGIC in the words I DO." Promising vows at a wedding ceremony is not enough, you must be prepared to live them.
This book is a call to those who are pursuing marriage, longing to get married again, or unhappily married. Whatever your relationship status, Hiawatha meticulously offers you scriptures, principles, and strategies to help you start the process of becoming a new and better you.
For those facing marital challenges, this book can be the spark that ignites the flame that will rekindle the fire in your marriage. For singles, Hiawatha inspires and challenges you to equip yourself to enjoy the marriage of your dreams.
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