In a world that constantly tells us to hustle, have fun, how to dress, and how to talk, it's hard to concentrate and focus on what God says. We're all so busy working and trying to fit in that we often forget about giving God time, forcing many of us to forfeit our purpose and calling, but Jesus advises us in Matthew 6:33 to FIRST seek the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Yet we're typically too busy seeking things and wanting to bring God along, forgetting He doesn't work like that. He wants to be first. He wants to direct us and make our paths straight. Every time we do things our way... we are delaying our success I wrote this book because I know we get so caught up in worldly things, that even as Christians we forget what God says. We forget we don't live for people. We do what society says we should do. We dress how society says we should dress. We get jobs because they pay a certain amount of money, but what does God say? The Bible tells us that God doesn't look at outer appearance. He examines our hearts. If we're so full of society, what do we have to give God of ourselves? Ask yourself that very question as you read this book and explore your own purpose and walk with the Lord.