Explore the town of Westfield and embrace the thriving suburban community, rich in history, culture, and civic pride.
Located just 22 miles outside of New York City, it is affectionately known as Colonial Westfield. In 1720, the West Fields of Elizabeth Town were settled by English immigrants. During the Revolutionary War, several altercations with the Red Coats took place here. Not only did George Washington stop in Westfield during the Revolutionary War, but it is believed he slept at the home of one of the town's forefathers. After the advent of the railroad in mid-1800s, the small but productive farming village gradually developed into the attractive upscale community it is today. Known for its high standards in education, emphasis on the arts, and religious and civic institutions, Westfield is one of the few suburban towns in New Jersey that continues to maintain an active downtown shopping area, complete with a major department store. With approximately 50 restaurants, it draws visitors from all over the state.