What if hearing "well done" is less about our doing and more about our devotion?
Faithful discipleship in the twenty-first century is often evaluated in terms of achievement and recognition. This easily leads to disappointment if our service for Christ is not widely acknowledged. While a few of God's people are placed in the forefront, most of us are strategically placed in the routines of everyday life as God determines. Well Done addresses how praiseworthy discipleship can be demonstrated as we bring glory to God through faithful service in building a home, serving in the local church, relating to our community, and being a dependable worker in the office.
Readers will learn:
Most Christians will not be in the pulpit or receive accolades for their work and faithfulness, yet the words "well done" await all who boldly live as the salt of the earth and light of the world. Well Done reminds us that following Christ is more about commitment and obedience than about what we do. When we accept and understand that God's grace includes His demand to live as holy people, resulting in transformed lives of service which bring healing to His creation wherever we are, we can rest in the assurance of being commended by Christ with, "Well done, good and faithful servant."