Beth and her best friend Andy invite you to step with them into the fun-filled fantasy world of Willaby Creek. Beth's soft cloth dolls and animal toys in the real world come to life when she discovers the unusual keys to opening the way to this special home away from home.
Once at Willaby Creek, Beth's beloved professor teaches his bush class of now ten in amazingly different ways all about children with challenges as well as other important topics. The professor's interesting teaching methods using activities are all about developing positive awareness, while understanding issues such as acceptance, anti-bullying, empathy, compassion, kindness, tolerance and patience.
Beth and Andy, with the help of all their new-made friends, learn through these valuable lessons how their lives will be changed forever. Beth and Andy soon learn how to support and help their friends back home who have health issues both big and small.
Throughout the series, while based in the great outdoors of Australia (maps inside), Welcome to the Wonderful World of Willaby Creek sets the scene to all their amazing adventures.