We Think We Own It! A Journey Towards Sustainability, is a thought-provoking and progressive book, with scientific, philosophical, spiritual and theological roots, where people are encouraged to use their hearts and minds to seek a new strategy to bring about healing within humanity. Healing which will hopefully lead to improvements in these challenging global environmental times.
All age groups will benefit from the clear explanations of the issues that the author believes are causing global warming and the inspirational strategic plan he suggests as to how these issues may be overcome.
In this important book on global warming, you will learn through the lens of science, philosophy, spirituality and theology:
The science behind global warming, carbon emissions, and climate change, and how, in spite of renewable energy research and development, humanity is far from resolving the problem. How humanity must have a change of heart (metanoia), and a change in attitude, where we strive to reduce our personal carbon footprint... this may in fact have to involve a reduction in our personal standard of living, where we consume less energy. How inspiration for this change in our life style may be obtained through Christian prayer, (friendship with God), other world religions/beliefs, spirituality and the philosophy of Rousseau. That we should get back to the basics of living a wholesome community life (mentioned in the mythology of Eden, before Satan appeared), where we show kindness towards each other, where we live in harmony and love together, banishing any delusional thought that we may have regarding ownership of the planet, and finally letting go of the potential to mislead others in our quest for wealth and property.How this change in how we live our lives will hopefully return this planet to a sustainable form, as perfect as the original Garden of Eden.I would like all who read this book, to be hopeful for the future of humanity on this planet. Hopeful that very good human nature (mentioned in Genesis), will prevail in the end. Where humanity inspired by genuine love, truth, and honesty, will take the necessary actions to make the planet sustainable once again, as sustainable as the original mythological Garden of Eden. Finally, I would like all who read this book to do something positive in their lives to help make this planet sustainable in the years to come. Tommy Treacy