Self-serving, party-over-people politicians are driving America into the ground. Out of touch with their constituents, they will continue to pursue their own goals until the electorate begins to hold them accountable for the issues plaguing the nation.
John deVerteuil is one of millions of disgruntled and frankly disgusted voters. He's part of the silent majority: a fiscally conservative, socially progressive block of independent voters.
For years, political parties have ignored the silent majority, focusing instead on the party faithful. Yet elections are won by those candidates who can attract the most independent voters. Those voters have traditionally had no voice on the national stage, but they're beginning to realize their importance and find their collective voice. When they do, Washington will never be the same.
We Are America: A Voice for the Silent Majority offers real, sustainable solutions to our national crises, including candid discussions on debt, term limits, taxation, and immigration. deVerteuil's common-sense strategies are designed to be implemented by concerned citizens-with or without the federal government's involvement.
It's time for Washington politicians to fall in line with middle America's thoughts and values. If they refuse, it's time for the silent majority to raise its voice.