Messiah Jesus instructs His disciples to watch therefore and be ready because we do not know the hour or the day of His coming. He gives parables of the faithful and wicked servants that are tragically too often neglected and desperately needed right now Watch Therefore and Be Ready raises awareness of the Lords covenants as they relate to His prophetic plans. The signs He spoke of are all around us like never before. We should watch therefore and be ready
Do you know:
that the Lord made specific promises to His people?
that the Lord has a successful way forward for each of His children in this unique generation?
the reasons this generation is different than any other?
that it is not difficult to understand the signs of the times?
how to be ready for the imminent coming of the Messiah, Jesus?
The Lord calls His people to victory. Watch Therefore and Be Ready teaches us very specific and guaranteed steps to live victoriously in this hour just before His imminent return for His people