From action/adventure novelist Michael Kasner comes a series of future military warfare
The year is 2030 and the world is in a state of political and territorial unrest. The Peacekeepers, an elite military force is created to combat it. Armed with all the tactical advantages of modern technology, battle hard and ready when the free world is threatened - the Peacekeepers are the baddest grunts on the planet.
WARKEEP 2030 - Book 3: The allied nations of South America are poised to attack Brazil for environmental crimes affecting the lives of millions. The Peacekeepers are dispatched to shut down the fighting with brute force.
Echo Company's got the meanest pack of rat bastards the grunts can produce, but their opening salvos are met with superior resistance. Border claims, ancient disputes and outright greed all threaten to draw the rest of the continent into the conflict. The Peacekeepers have faced bad odds before, but up against a ruthless and bloodthirsty enemy - and with the specter of nuclear holocaust looming on the horizon - this operation has the potential of becoming another Waterloo.