Walk With Me along life's path! God's resounding call becomes a gift of inspiration. My joy is to share the beauty of God's love within the poetic verse and inspired word of God.
Amid daily quiet times, the commandment to Walk With Me forever, gives light to a visual. The Path of Life appears as the Journey is purposed to follow the charted course.
The Genre Order entitles the twelve segments of the book. The series forms a steppingstone walk way. He is working all things after the counsel of His will. Moreover, the progression in spiritual growth is for God's good pleasure.
Hear God's call for stepping across the Steppingstone Path of Life. Experience the wealth of God's overflowing love, and His sharing His boundless dominion of possessions.
Continue following the Path of Life. Touch all that God has planned and obey God's command to forever Walk With Me.