The pharaoh Tutankhamun has died suddenly, and the rush is on to prepare his tomb. Vlad the flea and Miu the cat supervise the artists as they paint wall murals. Will they finish in time, and will the friends escape before the tomb is sealed forever?
Through Vlad's tale find out about what is was like to be one of the craftspeople who ensured that the tombs were fit for a pharaoh. The story gives an insight into the lives of those who literally created this amazing civilisation and used their enormous skill to make the objects that we still marvel at thousands of years later.
Whether you want an adventure story, or historical facts, this picture book has both and is packed with information combined with an exciting off-beat story, that introduces the people who lived through these events. It is all rounded off with a fact file that explains the context in Ancient Egypt, from the pyramids to the excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter.