Betty Twigg grew up in McDowell County, WV in the small town of Anawalt. The first eighteen years of her life she had little opportunity to interact with the world outside of public schooling and church activities. Her home life was a struggle for survival in an overstuffed household of two wonderful parents and eleven children born in the Deel family. You will get a broader picture of the childhood circumstances as you read the book Visions, Values, and Victories.
Although her family, friends, and cherished childhood memories were in Anawalt she knew there were greater opportunities and exciting experiences elsewhere that Anawalt did not offer. She knew there had to be a path to a more lucrative life.
She held onto her visions, applied her values and reached some incredible victories in her life. She achieved her goals with hard work and dedication to employers, listening and learning, and following in the footsteps of successful individuals. Over the years she developed friendships with others with similar backgrounds and accomplishments.