Vision Board Planner: Goal Setting, Visualization, Monthly Or Year Journal Book
This Vision Board Planner is a great tool to help you set and achieve your goals for the new year and start in January or any other month you choose. The law of attraction is the belief that positive thoughts bring positive experiences into a person's life. It is an attractive, magnetic power that draws similar energies together and allows people to manifest their own dreams and desires. That's why it's so important to visualize what you want out of life and to write it down. That's where using a vision board planner will come into play. Each vision board page includes space and prompts for:
Goals Bucket List Inspirational Quotes Relationships Money Well Being Career/ EducationIn each section you can write your goal, draw a picture or paste any cut outs. Each vision board page is followed by a blank lined journal page for writing any important information or feelings, such as feelings of gratitude, your favorite affirmations or even goals for work.
Vision boards can help you create the life you want and keep yourself on track. You can use this journal weekly or monthly. Easy to use. Get started in the right direction and get one today or give as a gift. Size is 8x10 inches, 110 pages, soft matte finish cover.