Part 1: Philosophical Varieties of Virtue and Virtue Ethics
Chapter 1: The Varieties of Virtue Ethics
By Robert C. Roberts
Chapter 2: Which variety of virtue ethics?
By Julia Annas,
Chapter 3: Against idealization in virtue ethics
Howard Curzer
Chapter 4: Virtue ethics in the medieval period
By John Haldane
Chapter 5: Iris Murdoch and the varieties of virtue ethics, By Konrad Banicki
Chapter 6: Confucian and Daoist virtue ethics
By May Sim
Part 2: Virtue Ethics in the Wider Academic Context
Chapter 7: Aristotelian ethical virtue: naturalism without measure
By Jonathan Jacobs
Chapter 8: Categorising character: moving beyond the Aristotelian framework
By Christian Miller
Chapter 9: Human practices and God's making-good in Aquinas' virtue ethics
By Richard Conrad
Chapter 1
0: Recovered goods: Durheimian sociology as virtue ethicsBy Philip Gorski
Chapter 11: The deep psychology of eudaimonia and virtue: belonging, loyalty and the anterior cingulate cortex
By Blaine FowersChapter 12: Virtue, the common good and self-transcendence
By Candace Vogler
Part 3: Virtue Ethics and the Wider Professional and Educational Context
Chapter 13: Plato on the Necessity of Imitation and Habituation for the Cultivation of the Virtues
By Mark Jonas
Chapter 14: Maintaining primary professional virtues by protecting properly oriented relationships: medical practice as a case study
By Justin Oakley
Chapter 15: 'Till we have faces': second-person relatedness as the object, end and crucial circumstance of perfect or 'infused' virtues
By Andrew Pinsent
Chapter 16: The seduction of Kierkegaard's aesthetic sphereBy Kevin Gary
Chapter 17: Distinguishing
Post-Traumatic Growth from Psychological Adjustment among Rwandan Genocide SurvivorsBy Laura E. R. Blackie, Eranda Jayawickreme, Nicki Hitchcott and Stephen Joseph
Chapter 18: Educating for the wisdom of virtue
By David Carr
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