WOULD YOU HELP A FRIEND GET AWAY WITH MURDER? Without any hesitation, Vinnie took out the pistol from under his arm and placed it to the man's head. As he squeezed the trigger he whispered. "Say good-bye, asshole." Bang As a loud noise filled the alley and blood sprayed from the back of Paul's head, I said. "Vinnie, you killed him" "That's right, the bastard killed Loretta, and I killed him." "I'm scheduled to be on a plane very soon, so I have to get to the airport. I can't get caught up in the middle of this. From what I can see, this was all self-defense," I said. He looked at Beth and me with those fire-blazed eyes, and I couldn't tell if he was going to kill us too or let us go. "Frank, go Get your ass to the airport. I'll handle this; you two go now " he said as he waved his gun at Beth. "Thanks Vinnie, you can trust me, I will never tell anyone what happened here tonight. I love you man " As fast as we could, Beth and I ran out of that alley for the airport and never looked back. While in the Marine Corp, Frank witnessed his friend murder another man in cold blood. Swearing to never tell, he put the past behind him, got married, and started to raise a family. Twenty some years later, that past finally caught up with him. While driving home from work one day, a car tries to run him off the road. Frank soon learns that his old pal Vincent, currently being indicted on racketeering and murder charges, is now godfather of the entire West Coast. It was obvious Vincent wanted to wipe out anyone who could connect him with a crime-starting with Frank. The former Marine must now protect himself and the family he loves. Should he go to the police and tell his story, or should he try to meet Vincent on his own terms? But how can one man expect to survive when taking on the entire mob? In Up Against The Mob, the world of the Mafia and organized crime comes to life. It's a stunning debut novel that fans of crime fiction won't want to miss.