Are you or someone you know contemplating or making plans to move to the UAE? If you or someone you know would like to avoid the pitfalls, silly mistakes, and challenges that many expats face when moving abroad then this book is for you
Here are the facts, tips, and steps you should take if you are planning to move to the UAE in one easy to read travel guide
Get your questions answered and learn: What important documents do you need to take with you? What kinds of residency programs are available? What educational opportunities are available? Where are the best places to stay? What kinds of jobs are available?
You will also learn: How to save money on travel, accommodations, and shipping costs. What are the common things you will need to get used to when living in the UAE? What are the exciting things to do for fun and leisure?
Unlike most travel and country guides, this book is written in an engaging, informative, and enjoyable tone that makes this book a fun and easy read.
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