UNDIGNIFIED is a book written from Rev. Dr Phelps' life experience of deliverance from people bondage into a life of freely worshipping God and seeing miraculous healing from cancer and spiritual strongholds. She once thought "it didn't take all that" to praise God until she found herself in a life of desperation and spiritual lack. This book will give you a road map to deliverance and spiritual freedom....
- Learn of the supernatural healing that happens while worshipping God
- What happens when we open our mouth to praise God
- Have you ever wanted to lay on the floor and thank God for all the many blessing he has given you but dare not to?
- Do you hold back your praise and worship in church because you once heard someone say "it don't take all that?"
- Well here is the book to set you free from people bondage that is holding your praise captive
- Every person that is seeking a closer walk with God should read this book.
- If you want to understand the spiritual realm of worshipping God this is your book.
- To dance in the Spirit of God is so beautiful so why are we afraid to do it...this book leads us down the pathway of freedom from this.
- This book will guide you to Biblical reference and theological research of open, anointed, and yes loud corporate worship.