Understanding Addiction: Behind the Scenes isn't going to be like that nagging uncle telling you to kick your son out on the streets. It's not going to tell you what you should and shouldn't do about your sister, grandson, daughter, mom, brother, or best friend's addiction, either. It's not going to hammer you with statistics and big words about addiction that make no sense, or stuff a bunch of scientific jargon down your throats.
What author Sadie Petersen does provide you with is some REAL personal stories about her own life and experiences, real struggles addicts might be afraid to tell you
themselves, and some REAL advice and "answers," by giving you a look behind the scenes of drug addiction. This book is about helping you, and so many others like you, to take a deeper look inside drug addiction by providing a better understanding of this lifestyle through different
perspectives, and to help you find the peace and understanding for which you might be searching.
It is Petersen's goal that, after reading her book, every reader will leave with the ability to think objectively and critically about the severity that comes with addiction, and learn how to apply their own behaviors in situations that may arise with their loved one's addiction. Petersen hopes her audience WILL understand this lifestyle more clearly after reading her story and be able to apply it to their own lives to create improved outcomes for the long run.
There are no RIGHT answers in dealing with drug addiction. But, with ten plus years of experience within this lifestyle, Petersen has found her peace with it, and she knows you can, too