The philosophy of anyone destined to own the stars is as follows; if it exists, it can be bought. If it breathes, it can be domesticated. If it thinks, it can be trained. The empires of Utarius run on this philosophy, and flourish on the backs of those they conquered with their muskets, dragons, and magic. For centuries, bloodshed has been limited to proxy wars, rebellions in colonies, and arguments between diplomats as the lines were drawn on the maps of the world. Now, looming on the horizon, conflict on a scale unthinkable was becoming inevitable. The question is not "Who will win?", but "Who will remain?"
Aleksandra has fled from her duties as a princess for most of her life, but adventure abroad has taught her she must face her demons head on to defeat them.
Zakhar, the charming but dangerous prince of the red empire, must prepare his people and himself for a war he believes will ruin his country and his legacy.
Sasha, the empathic changeling, leaves the estate they have been sheltered within their entire lives to witness the world and its horrors.
Follow these three characters and more as they navigate a world of gunpowder and sorcery in D.B.Sinclair's debut novel Tyrant, the first of the "I, Sovereign" series.