Italy has perhaps the greatest concentration of important buildings in the history of western civilization. Follow a young architect on a journey to see these historic places after years of study at the university. Using a rail pass, the author traveled from the far north of Italy to the southern coast of Sicily, visiting many cities and towns known for remarkable buildings, gardens, and urban cores. This highly illustrated diary combines field notes with photographs and drawings to capture first impressions and the delight of discovery. Lover's of art and architecture who enjoy armchair traveling and real travelers looking for a great architectural itinerary will enjoy this book.
One could spend years exploring the Italian peninsula and still miss beautiful works. This journey was limited to two months and the author had to prioritize what to see and where to go. Most travelers face similar restrictions. This diary provides clues about where to find concentrations of great works. Greek temples stand in Sicily and Paestum. Massive Roman construction is used to this day in Rome, Verona, and Taormina. Early Christian monuments in the form of martyria and basilicas are found in Rome and Ravenna. Many towns and cities in northern Italy host beautiful Romanesque cathedrals. The work of great architects including Bramante, Brunelleschi, Alberti, Romano, Michelangelo, and Palladio are concentrated in specific cities and regions of the Renaissance. Spectacular gardens are found in Frascati and Tivoli. Modern insertions breath new life in the historic fabric of Urbino. There is much to see and explore in Italy. This book provides a window into that journey.