Twists and Turns in the seventh collection in the Personal Story Publishing Project gathering stories of 750-800 words from individual writers to share their stories resonating with a stated theme.
In Twists and Turns, 50 writers share powerful, touching, and amusing stories about inflection points in their lives, times when chance and choice, misfortune, failure, and grace intervened to redirect them onto a new path, to awaken them to new potentials or to lead them to accept what they could not control. Some are light-hearted stories of getting away with something. Others, startling reminders of possibilities that might yet befall any of us. All help encourage a shared human empathy for one another as we make our ways through this world along and against all the twists and turns that lead and confound us.
Through 50 short stories, you share in the experiences of writers-both new voices and seasoned storytellers. They skillfully share tales from their lives, causing us to consider our own experiences, our own stories of life changes by choice and chance that intervene and put us onto new paths. As each new path leads to yet another, we see the challenges of these continuing redirections as the inevitable creators of yet more stories and chapters we might one day tell.