"A collection of poisoned darts apt for our time. Preview hell. No need for the hand basket to arrive. Why wait until you die to learn about this?" J rgen Pessoa, Aporia.net
"Each night I crawl into bed alone, wrap myself in the sheets, curl up, warm, the purple queen size mattress all to myself, and a grateful prayer wafts up from every part of my body, thankful to be safe, and not cold, and not wet, hungry or thirsty, that I am not sick or in pain or in despair, and not dying, the object of someone's hatred and torture, and that I'm not forced to think about anyone just now being in any of those conditions... if this is as good as it gets, here in my little womb of a room, I am forever glad to have lived, and to have never needed to read this book, its "wisdom" a vile discharge of morbid fiction... There is no hell. It cannot be The book is a lie " Iaia Gombrowicz, Dept. of Comparative Anxiety and the History of Despair, University of Antarctica
"Not suitable for gifting." Fred Rogers
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