"Have you ever considered that so many of us go through this world as though asleep at the wheel of our lives?" authors Father Andrew Carl Wisdom and Sister Christine Kiley ask in their book, Tuning In to God's Call. In every moment, God accompanies us and calls us to live a life for Christ through discovering our personal vocation.
Are you wondering where and how you are called to serve Christ? This book will not resolve all your questions about life's choices, but it does serve as a companion for you as you seek and follow the will of God. When we stop and listen to God's voice, we open our hearts to the clarity and deep peace that we seek.
Through a series of practical reflections, this book introduces you to five stages of the discernment process. Though our life purpose may not be understood all at once as doubts and fears may still persist, this book will assist you in making time to discern God's direction. The process of discernment has many facets. If you are wondering what God has in store for you, then this is just the book to help you pray and actively move through your discernment process. It will help you find peace in your prayer and inspire you.