The Tales of Trumplethinskin is a trilogy of satirical, children's style books based around a humorous, illustrated storybook concept. The titles are:
Trumplethinskin and the Wizard BonespursTrumplethinskin in the Land of UcKTrumplethinskin and the Gigantic Peach.In Trumplethinskin in the Land of UcK, Trumplethinskin travels to the Land of UcK, where he is brought to the palace for an afternoon tea. Bojo the Bozo brings him a chocolate cake and looks like he wants to sell the whole Land of UcK. Trumplethinskin likes the idea, but he really wants his own throne room. So, he instructs his elf Pompelo to get him one, along with the Land of UcK and the Isle of Green at the top of the world.