The Twenty-One titles below weave its own innocuous story:
It was "The Week of Bastille Day" where "Lefty" took a "Taxi." "We Took a Trip to the Lodge" to have "Lunch." "A Small-Town Lawyer," "Jimmy Willard," was a "Poor Little Lamb Who Lost His Way" as "Richard Conway" stated, "Here Comes the Judge." It's always "Politics" when "Susie the Secretary" visits the "London Country Club." "Raymond Stinson" said "The Case of the Trespassing Privy" was all because "The Hamburger King" and "Runyon Didn't Know All of Them." Yet, "Milt (Farber) Pays His Taxes," "Buys a New Car," "Bakes a Cake" all the while skirts "The Practice of Law" catapulting one to past days of "The Grove" aka Grove City, Ohio and the surrounding metropolitan area.
The London Country Club, Green Gables, Burger Boy Foodarama, Deshler Hotel, Beulah Park, all nostalgic Ohioans favorite haunts, return in these classic non-fiction short stories. Be drawn into a time when the days seemed less hectic, people had a sense of humor and perhaps, a bit more simplicity.
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