It all started with a dream... and now, the journey continues. The scenes have been set; the characters introduced. The epilogue cliffhangers in book one, MARTINKA, left us dangling, so we start off book two, TOMMY, with some huge reveals. This tangled web will keep you on the edge of your seat, straight to the end We find out who Lorenzo really is, reunite those that were separated unwillingly, and learn that the dead do not always stay dead. We travel back in time, with Tommy, to his beginning, back to the day when he was turned into a vampire. We will learn, not only that he's now been cursed, but we find out who created the "rock candy" he has been taking, what it's made of, and the fact that this bewitched burden he's now knee-deep in, is irreversible... or is it? Simultaneously, we also travel to another realm, where we find Martinka. There, we explore the mysteriously mystical vault, the magical rooms it holds, given entry... to only a few, and discover how Tink's starburst necklace is the key to answers that have long been preserved, awaiting her arrival. Just as there are many pieces to this puzzle that find their place, there are equally many questions and pieces to this jigsaw existence that are left unanswered, still. The climactic confrontation between the good guys and the bad guys is explosive, literally, and ends just as abruptly as it began. The first book took us from America, to the Czech Republic, Australia, Venezuela, Thailand, and ended up in Sardinia--Italy. In book two, we mainly stay in Sardinia--Italy, but travel to Prague--Czech Republic, Australia, our alternate realm--"Fairyland," and America, briefly. This book is narrated by eight characters, and as it winds down, we are left with five different epilogue cliffhangers, starting with Tommy, then Lorenzo, Madelina, Martinka, and last, but not by any means least, Demonica. Get ready to connect-the-dots, and to mystically be blown away And yes, our tangled web is now growing... stay tuned, Demonica is on her way...