A charming tale of a young orphan, whose benevolent nature helps him build friendships that defy all odds.
Toinette, a Creole woman who raises Philip, encourages his growth and ensures that above all else he is kind of heart. Philip is content with his simple life until a stranger asks of his parents. When Philip questions Toinette, it is clear that there are secrets she is not ready to reveal.
This is the second of Mrs. C. V. Jamison's books that is written about an orphan in New Orleans, and just as she was able to do in "Lady Jane", her work will transport you to the streets of 19th century New Orleans. You can almost see the drool falling from the large shaggy dog's mouth in the opening paragraph and feel the pride and joy on the last page.
As Philip finds his own place in the world, he is faced with numerous challenges but always remains pure of heart and gentle in nature, as Toinette raised him to be. This heartwarming tale will certainly have you smiling by the last page.