Tocharian and Indo-European Studies is the central publication for the study of two closely related languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B. Found in many Buddhist manuscripts from central Asia, Tocharian dates back to the second half of the first millennium of the Common Era, though it was not discovered until the twentieth century. Focusing on both philological and linguistic aspects of this language, Tocharian and Indo-European Studies also looks at Tocharian in relationship to other Indo-European languages. Contents of vol. 18: Stefan Zimmer, "Klaus T. Schmidt (28. 4. 1932-7. 2. 2017)" 1; Douglas Q. Adams, "The Tocharian B subjunctive and its Proto-Indo-European antecedents" 19; Ilya B. Itkin & Anna V. Kuritsyna, "Chapter XX of the "Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka" and its hellish sufferings: the fragment THT 1308.a" 63; Ilya B. Itkin, Anna V. Kuritsyna & Sergey V. Malyshev, "Tocharian A text THT 1331 and the 'H llenkapitel' of the 'Maitrisimit nom bitig' some more remarks" 71; Ilya B. Itkin, Sergey V. Malyshev & Jens Wilkens, "THT 1590: Tocharian A Hariścandrāvadāna" 83; Frederik Kortlandt, "On the origin of grammatical gender" 95; Sergey V. Malyshev, "The Tocharian A version of the Mahauṣadha-Jātaka" 105; Georges-Jean Pinault, "Current issues in Tocharian etymology and phonology" 127; Peter Zieme, Review of Jens Peter Laut & Jens Wilkens, Altt rkische Handschriften, Teil 3 165; Bernhard Koller, Review of Melanie Malzahn, Micha l Peyrot, Hannes Fellner & Theresa-Susanna Ill s (eds.), Tocharian texts in context 175
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