Ella and John discover their family will be expanding. Correction John was aware Ella had no idea. To make matters complicated, Ella had just started a new PI/Design business.
Ella of course will be working the design side of the business on her own, while sharing the PI side of the business with her brother Sam.
Their first case turns out to be a real head scratcher. It involves deception, murder, intrigue, and magic, and of course magical children. Always a combination that will test the sanest person into doing and saying the most insane things.
Having their lives once again in danger, only this time it included their children as well as testing John's desire to lock his wife away until after the birth.
Sam decided to asked his friend Gregory for help when he found out Ella was not only pregnant but carrying twins.
Gregory coming to Sam's aid was expected, being more than willing to lend his friend a hand. As a matter of fact he welcomed the distraction. What was not expected was that his cousin Doni would decide to tagging along... because she also needed an escape.
As the situation unfolds it soon became clear additional help was needed since the involved both the human and the fae world. Which meant the entire Hastings/Miller family would be joining forces with the Fitzwilliam-Chechesters'