In these last and evil days when any and everything is happening bad we're so easy to forget to keep our mind focused on God and the reason for that is the ways of this sinful world has gotten into our spirits and have taken away our joy. God is not pleased and even a blind man can see that by all the stuff that's going on. People R saying they B so glad when 2020 leaves cause it was a bad year but the truth of the matter is we don't know what 2021 is gonna bring. Even though God had the Bible written to inform us that these days were coming people still don't believe in Him. If He came now would U-B ready R would U chance it like a lot of the others? Some feel the bad they've done in life God wouldn't use them but this book lets U know (except for Him) we all have sinned and fallen short. If He uses me someone who lived in sin and now is saved living for Him, He can use anyone. Don't U want joy in your life? Aren't U tired of being sick and tired of the same routine not getting nowhere in life? U better come on over to the winning side and make it right with God and let Him B your Lord and Savior. Read this book it will show U some of the dumb stuff I've done but God forgave me cause I repented and so can U if U ask