Soleil Marson, Khashtani and lover of Rian Yakarami, killer of assassins, Magicsmith, and rightful queen of Isaaria has one last chance to turn back time, and make things right. Warned by her cousins and fellow Magicsmiths, the fugitive siblings Teresa and Septimus Smith, Soleil finally has answers as to who has wanted Rian dead for all these years and why. But the forces at work both in her world and watching over it are more powerful and cosmic than Soleil could have ever imagined, and the destinies of those she sees as both friends and family now hang in the balance.
Told half-truths by both her own cousins, Soleil must decide whether to stay in Isaaria, and prepare for the armies on their doorstep to begin a bloody siege, or travel East, in search of old magics left behind by the allusive Lady Wolff: an ancient artifact that may help save the souls of two allies most dear to Soleil's heart. But Soleil is still not sure if she can trust her cousins, as Septimus would do anything to protect his sister, and Teresa would do anything to protect her sons-the heirs of the very foundations of evil Soleil fights against. Only Septimus can lead her to answers in the East, but he may do so for his own purposes. He has certainly told enough lies to make himself suspect.
Regardless of what she does, a deadly path awaits Soleil as the world crumbles around her, and she'll have to be smarter, stronger, and craftier than her enemies if she hopes to break free of her role as a mere pawn in their dark machinations.