On Light Sources and Landing Rights: "Decidedly prolific bite-sized, brief, crisply restrained and profoundly philosophical." The Chicago Review
"I was moved, deeply moved by David Jaffin's collections of verse, by their sensitivity, their loveliness, their honesty." Chaim Potok
"David Jaffin's work is consistently refreshing and innovating, his is a most welcome contemporary poetic voice. And his keen, sensitive observations make for precise, sensuous and elegant poetry. It is thus not surprising that he is also a connoisseur of Franz Joseph Haydn's chamber music. I warmly recommend David Jaffin's books." -Wolfgang Binder, University Erlangen-N rnberg, Germany"On Dream Flow David Jaffin is a prolific American poet whose work uses the minimum possible means of expression in order to reach for essentials in his subject matter ... The limpid texture of his work resists quotation or excerption; his deceptively simple surfaces use the tensions inherent in the vocabulary to open up new horizons. Delicate creations, his poems tend to be wonderfully light lyrics." -www.bogpriser.dk, Denmark
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