Thirty-Seven-Year Abduction: Memoir of a Gay Mississippi Author Finding Himself Again is the 2023 recipient of the Readers' Favorite Book Award Finalist.
After years of hellacious attempted gay conversion therapy, including his Evangelical parents snatching him out of school mere months before graduating and fleeing the Deep South to isolate him in the mountain wilderness, Author Milan Sergent finally finds strength and the path out of the soul-killing closet into which others had trapped him. Instead of living in a hole in the ground until he died, as his family felt God had led them to do, Sergent is on the climb and speaking out, hoping other marginalized people don't lose nearly four decades of their lives as he has. Come along with the author, who has recently received multiple international book awards, as he shows the world how it all happened and how easy it is for your whole life to turn upside down.