For women and young women everywhere.
"THINK THE PART", the perfect companion and follow up to "STOP IT! It is all in your head".
With all the different hurdles (racism, sexism, ageism, ableism and all other isms) women have to jump over, it seems the goalpost keeps getting further and further.
What will it take for women to finally get that corner office?
Instead of waiting for these exclusive structures to fall away and create space for women, there's more women can do to take ownership of their careers and forge their path to these highly coveted positions.
This working book shows you step-by-step how to level up and reach your next position - a 30 days journal to upgrade your consciousness and start to THINK THE PART, right here, right now. Make winning and presenting your Best Unique Self a key part of your life and business.
#Smash the infamous ceiling.
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