INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW What is Autism? The term Autism from the Greek word autos meaning self, was first used by the Eugen Bleuler to describe a person's withdrawal to an inner world completely against which any influence from outside becomes an intolerable disturbance (Kuhn, 2004). Drawing inspiration from Bleuler's work, Leo Kanner described autism as (1) "an innate inability to form the usual, biologically provided affective contact with people" and (2) "anxiously obsessive desire for the maintenance of sameness that nobody may disrupt" (Kanner, 1943). At the same time, in a parallel line of inquiry, Hans Asperger independently described a condition resembling Kanner's 1943 "autism", which Asperger named "autistic psychopathy," featuring difficulties in social integration and oddities in speech and gaze (Bodea & Lubetsky, 2011, p. 7). Hans Asperger's sample did not include children who had no speech, which is the only difference between his and Kanner's samples. Originally regarded as an early form of schizophrenia, today the term applies exclusively to the developmental disorder called autism (Frith, 2003). Today, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been described to be a neurodevelopmental disorder that is best defined in terms of triad of impairments: (1) significant failure in socialization, (2) impaired communication, and (3) restricted range of interests or activities (WHO, 1992, APA, 2000). Its symptoms are usually evident by early childhood, however, autism is not a disorder of childhood, and instead, it is essentially a disorder of development. Authors note that not only are there are individual differences in the symptoms of autism; the symptoms also change with age. Certain changes become apparent with age, while others seem to disappear. According to Frith, (2003), "Autism has to be seen not just in a snapshot." She states that, "Autism affects development and in turn, development affects autism" (p. 1). Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) fall along a continuum in each area of development ranging from severe problems to above-average abilities. At one end, it blends into the normal,