Then, Let Him Speak is a book of poetry, short stories, and artwork produced throughout the high school years and on through the young adult and early career years of Mr. Dantzler. It reflects his years as one of six children of a single mother who was determined to care for and see her children's lives to adulthood. Living in the Washington DC area (The DMV), and spending impactful summers and a few early school years with his Aunt and Uncle Reese in Goose Creek, SC. He walked the streets many days and nights, learning from what he saw and heard and felt-people struggling to survive with little to no provisions, hustling one another, working hard on nine-to-five jobs that paid very little, and young black kids scrambling to escape the hands of either the jump-out boys or the stick-up boys. Yet, Then, Let Him Speak also reflects the love he longed for, the pain of rejection, and sentiments of a young loner who often asked the existential questions of his life. His hope is that you will enjoy this project and that it may also enlighten and inspire you within the fulfillment of your purpose and direction of hope, freedom, and the salvation of life.