SHONEY loves her man unconditionally, and without wavering, in spite of his lies and callous betrayals. She is intent on proving that she is more deserving of his last name than any other woman in the world. But when one transgression after another comes to light will THE WIFEY I USED TO BE remain true to the man who hurts her the most?
Unlike her na ve best friend, SEPTEMBER is all about what a man can do for her, and love has no place in her world. But September does have mad love for her bestie until Shoney starts moving funny. Will their friendship remain intact? Or is there something disloyal going on?
Meanwhile, Shoney's boo, RAYON, is about to incur serious problems when he decides to branch off from his homies and hustle on his own. Will more money being more problems? Or will having Shoney by his side shelter Rayon from what lies ahead?