The WHAT WHY Program is designed to deal with the increasing issue of mental and behavioral health and social-emotional wellness in what has become one of the most vulnerable areas of focus for kids: their schools.
The issue of mental and behavioral problems is more visible in schools and throughout media today than ever before. We cannot continue to target the behaviors, the "WHAT", without repairing the "WHY"--the trauma that has caused kids to be the way they are. Every kid has a story and experiences--their "WHY"--that shape his or her perception of the world and people. It is their "WHY" that mentally and emotionally wires their brains. What happens, as a result of this, is their attitudes and behaviors negatively impact them, their environment, and the people around them.
As schools work to manage classrooms and students' behaviors, it is often not enough for some students. The WHAT WHY Program partners with schools, community organizations, and mental health practitioners to work directly with those students who need more attention given to their "WHY" in order to make school a better place for them; a place where they will find social belonging, emotional satisfaction, and academic achievement.