Matthew is a tall, slim man that lives in a small one-horse town known as Waystation. He declared himself sheriff, mayor, and judge. He thought of himself as judge, jury, and executioner of this small town. Nobody wanted his job.
Julia came from a very poor Spanish-speaking town down south. Julia was a beautiful young lady with long curly black hair. Her mother sold her into prostitution at age thirteen. Julia was so irate and very hurt by what her mother did that she vowed never to speak to her again.
Julia quickly learned what was expected of her. After a few years, she read an article in the paper and left this poor town. She traveled by stage to this small town called Waystation. She saw a sign in the window of the saloon that said cook needed. She grabbed the sign and walked in. Julia was hired on the spot. She was given free room and board.
Matthew started to seduce her which led to her prostituting again. Matthew had become a regular client of Julia's. Unbeknownst to Julia, Matthew kept a dark secret. Matthew gave Julia some wine to drink. This wine was laced with a mind-altering drug. He called it sour wine. She drank the sour wine, and from that day on, she was in his power.
Zack helped Matthew make the sour wine. He is also the foreman for all of the other ranch hands. He didn't care where his ranch hands came from or if they had family somewhere else as long as they did their job. Zack was just as ruthless as Matthew.
Apparently, Zack had a good teacher.
Together, all three committed murders and got away with it because the townsfolk was scared to stand up to them for fear of being killed too.