Maren Sof?a Rogers' first bilingual collection of poems, "thevoices that inhabit me/las voces que me habitan " is an invitation to witness the author's journey through life with front row seats into her mind, heart, and soul. With absolute sincerity and vulnerability, Maren Sof?a shares the vivid, colorful voices that inhabit her, immersing us in her world of words, images, rhythms, memories, dreams and desires. Every poem is a reflection, an introspection, a question and a quest to live with unwavering awe, gratitude, and acceptance.
"Writing is for me an organic process, as vital and necessary as breathing. I write to heal the soul. The impulse comes from within and involves my whole body: the heart, liver, skin, muscles, blood. It is not a technical process or from the neck up. For me, life itself is poetry, and everyone who lives makes poetry. I find it and feel it in everyone and everything. And it is, has been and will continue to be my lifeline. By writing I discover and digest the fullness of life, not only in what is good and beautiful, but in everyone and everything: in our relationships, in our vocations, in our workplaces, in our daily lives...
I invite you to read me, to give me the privilege of allowing my words to blossom in your mind."