My name is Nora Black, and I'm celebrating my BFFs midlife matrimony
Gilly is engaged, and I have invited a couple of friends to help us celebrate her bachelorette vacation in wine country. We are leaving work behind for three days of good food, good friends, and good fun. Or so I thought. When the youngest of our group, Tippy Davenport, gets flirty with a local musician, his girlfriend is less than pleased. Some might even call her reaction homicidal. But when the woman turns up dead during a vineyard tour, our vacation turns into an investigation. It doesn't take a sommelier to sniff out the sour grapes surrounding this murder, including the astringent scents of old money, family intrigue, jealousy, and greed. I'll have to employ my psychic nose to catch a killer and get the bride back home to Garden Cove in time for her wedding.