This is an autobiography showing forty-nine years of life of a man who suffers from schizophrenia. It starts with his carefree childhood when nothing spells the oncoming disaster - the outbreak of mental illness at the age of 17. His youth is marked with multiple love affairs and political involvement in anticommunist movement as a Warsaw University student. However, his illness 'doesn't want' to leave him and deteriorates his life repeatedly. It makes his girlfriend to leave him and disorganises his professional life.
In spite of all he starts his career as an English teacher. After having problems with his pupils discipline in class at a state primary school, he quits and sets up his own business - a school of foreign languages. The business is quite successful but in the end it has to be closed because the illness makes it impossible to continue the operation of his school.
Meanwhile he meets a woman of his life and gets married. He enjoys being a father of his beloved daughter. What is more, when the illness is less present he trains karate and even becomes a karate coach for two years.
But schizophrenia like a shadow follows his steps. He falls into debt and is forced to fly to England to earn decent money. He hides his illness and is employed as a support worker in a care home for mentally ill people. Eventually he comes back to Poland and hopes to start his teaching career anew in the capital of this country.