"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven." - John Milton
Are you one of millions of people around the world suffering from depression? Does anxiety stop you from living the life you dreamed of? Or does OCD forces you to keep family and loved ones at a distance? In the United States alone, over eighteen percent of adults suffer from depression and anxiety disorders. And if you or a loved one faces these debilitating conditions, you may feel trapped, with no way out. Now there's a book that can help...The Unheard Voices' Guide to Mindfulness presents an exciting new technique to combat the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and similar disorders. No drugs, no medicines, no strange diets... Satipatthana Meditation harasses the power of your own mind to get your life back on track.
After reading this book you will:
Stop living in the shadow of stress, depression, and anxiety. Read The Unheard Voices' Guide To Mindfulness and take control of your life. Satipatthana Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you build a healthier, happier future. And your future starts now!
The Unheard Voices is a youth-led international NGO based in NJ, USA, that raises awareness on mental health and bullying. Together we fight for the muted voices of teens all around the world.*Disclaimer*
This book is NOT meant to recommend medication or encourage the usage of psychedelics in any way. The main purpose of this guide is to encourage meditation and give readers an overview of how our mind works, and provide them with context in the case of psychedelics.