The Tyrannical Rule of The U.S. Supreme Court clearly shows how the Court has become a tyrannical ruler of the country.
It indicates what our founders intended for the U.S. Supreme Court and how it has abused the political science principles of a Republic. It will show how the founders' intent has been distorted in a historical way by the Court in constitutional case interpretations of the Constitution.
The book points out how the Court misinterpreted its provisions or created words and phrases not in that document to justify its decisions. It shows how the Court has changed social policy without a vote of the people causing citizens to believe the Court is their ruler rather than the legislators they elected in Congress. You will see how the Court has become a tyrannical ruler of the country.
THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, by the way it has invented words and phrases not in the Constitution to justify its decisions, has violated the Constitution itself.
Phrases like the "right to privacy" and now a "right to dignity" have been invented to mold social changes as the Court desires when those terms are nowhere to be found in the Constitution.
In this book you will find these issues and others of importance to all Americans discussed. Is the Court, the third branch of the federal government and meant to be the weakest of the three, fulfilling its duties and functions as envisioned by those who drafted our Constitution and those citizens who ratified it? Is it time for change?
The future of our country is in your hands
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