If Dr. Spector asks, "What are you willing to do?" you say without hesitation, "Anything." A renowned Boston therapist quits his practice to travel across the country to live for three months with families who have mental health issues. If he selects your families, be sure that you experience his brand of in-your-face conditioning with off-the-wall professionalism that leads to several hilarious yet provocative interventions, not to forget his very candid viewpoint.
After four years of hardship, this changed man selfishly selects a family, the Neads, who live behind the green door in a very descriptive brownstone with too many secrets.
When therapy failed, a grave circumstance ensued throughout the neighborhood, causing family friction. Hoping for an alternative solution, a hospital psychiatrist with a kind heart tells the mother about an unorthodox treatment plan performed by an out-of-the-box psychiatrist. Enter the Traveling Therapist.
Weeks later, he arrives, parking on the street filled with neighbors who stare at this strange man getting out of his high-priced car. With a sense of belonging, he smiles and waves, then makes his way to the residence with a "tell, not ask" policy. Confused and bored at first to sit through his lectures of mental illness with his cut-to-the-chase style and constant reminders that he will not depart until satisfied. Confronted with a difficult decision, the family finally unites to make life-altering choices.