I float. I am without form; before hate entered the hearts of men, I was shattered. Is this breathing? Is this real? For millennia, I pondered existence, and the truthful lies. An agonizing contradiction.
I will tear it down. Hate will be my home, for it calls to me. Drawn in.
I think I can see.
My being is beyond anything humans can comprehend; to gaze upon me would bring terror, and to hear my voice is to invite insanity. I have calculated the void, and know it intimately. All will be drawn into me once more. I see your thoughts, your delicious fears. I am your god.
Yes, yes, it calls to me. I am here.
I see you."
From the mind of CJ Easley, comes a harrowing tale of an invasion of nightmares. Witness the trepid survival of several townspeople as they seek answers that they may not want. Nothing is at it seems, and everything is decaying. What do these monsters want? How does one escape? Do we have a chance?