One World, Many Nations, each trying to remove the existence of the other or rule over it. Just imagine how two Worlds will pose a threat to each other. This part will showcase those problems. However, which World is the real one and which is just a mirror image depends on which one survives. The Supreme faces a large number of problems in his daily life; now he has to face an outer world threat. The true adventures of The Supreme start now and we will see how he fights it. This book will detail The Supreme's past that was intentionally hidden from everyone. Will everyone still accept him even after knowing about his past; will everyone still believe him? Will he be betrayed? What will be the result and what will he do to his betrayer-will he be kind or merciless? Is it really his fate? Is his fate already destined for someone else or does other's fate depend on his? What will be his action? What will happen if he is fated to lose; can he resist it? Can he defend the World and his loved ones from the outer threat or would he lose many of them? Welcome back on The Supreme's epic excursions and learn the secrets of his life.