It happened without warning. Millions were torn from their peaceful sleep as the Song of Morning cut off in mid-sentence.
The voice of Logos, the Talking Sword, was forever silenced as the Curse came upon the Lands of the Adoni. The Sword would still sing, but the ears of all those in the Lands of the Adoni would be forever deaf to the songs of worship and praise.
Asseem left the Council of Ancients, came to live among the gnomes, and eventually found the lost Garden of Tangar in his efforts to lift the Curse. Through it all, the Adoni continued to work behind the scenes preparing the world for the coming Battle of Es-Soh-en that would resolve forever the issue of who owned the Lands of the Adoni.
This is the story of one man - Singer - as he serves the Adoni to prepare the Chosen Kingdom for the coming battle. It is a story that will cover many lifetimes, and he will be able to live them all since he has eaten of the Tree of Unending Life.
Author Bio: Dennis Knotts lives with his wife and their daughter, Shalom, in Riverside, California. This is his tenth book.